domingo, 8 de junio de 2008

Dr.Damián Berenstein

Damian J. Berenstein, M.D., is graduated from The University of Buenos Aires. He was resident and trainer of residents in T. Alvarez Hospital (Buenos Aires), and also worked in Borda Hospital and Moyano Hospital (Argentina), and San Carlos Hospital (Madrid-Spain).
Nowadays he develops his clinical practice as psychiatrist and psychotherapist in his private practice.
Dr. Berenstein research and academic interests are focused in Transcultural Psychiatry. He has done his post grade education and training in Mc.Gill University ( Montreal-Canada) and Montreal University (Canada). He has worked with the Wichi (aboriginal) population in Chaco Province of Argentina, and was the author of the video documentary “El Impenetrable Wichi”. He has been professor of Anthropology in the Association of Argentinean Psychiatrits (APSA). His last researches were “Cosmetic Surgery, Psychopathology and Body Dismorphic Disorder in Buenos Aires – Argentina” (Diagnosis 2007, Nº 4. P 20-61), and “Subtle Dissociative Phenomena in Casamance, Southern Senegal” (not published yet).
At the present time he is working in collaboration with the National Council of Scientific and Technique Investigations (CONICET-Argentina) to create the first Service of Transcultural Psychiatry in Buenos Aires City.

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